Third Oral Task: Around the clock with...


 For your final oral task I want you to make a video in which you describe the personal information and routine of a friend of yours, a family member or a person you like. The idea is to prepare a Power Point presentation and use a website (  for creating your video. You can use a different software of you wish, but you need to post yours at YouTube and share it with the class by posting it in the class' blog. The following video is a brief tutorial.

Now, in relation to the content of the video, these are the instructions.

NAME Around the clock with...
 COMPETENCE  Students are able to:


 ·         Describe people’s actions and characteristics.

·         Express possession.  

·         Indicate origin and nationality.



You will make a Power Point presentation with pictures only, but don't forget to write a title for each one of them. This presentation will be turned into a video. The slides order is as follow:


Slide 1. Cover: your character's picture. Describe people's personal information  briefly.

Slide 2-3. Basic daily activities. Mention the time.

Slide 4-5. Describe his/her  routines at work. 


Please keep in mind that you must appear on the video as a speaker. Choose the option you prefer while creating the video at Screencast-o-matic.


Once your video is done, please share the link in the class' website blog I created for this activity. Don't forget to say hello first.


Keep in mind that this task is not longer than  3 minutes


Now, let me remind you that you are asked to talk, not to read since it is an oral activity.


The due date for this activity is March 28 at 23:59.

Second Oral Task: This is my family!


It's time for you to tell the class how proud you are because of your family! For this activity you are going to talk about the people in your family including family ties and some basic personal information. The allotted time is 3 minutes.

Here you have the instructions for the activity:

NAME Describing my family

- Use different greetings

- Introduce yourselves

- Talk about your family and others'

- Give and ask for personal nformation about your family.

 EVIDENCE  A short presentation about family member

You are asked to bring your own family picture in order to describe it to your classmates.

You are not allowed to read the descriptions since the task's purpose is to present your own personal ideas in a clear way.

Watch the following video below so you can have a general idea about what you need to present in class. Please, don't limit yourselves to the model shown in the video. This is just an example.


Teacher Claudia

March 9, 2020

First Oral Task: Talking about famous people

Hello my dear students,

For our first oral task, I want you to talk about a famous person's personal informationn in an informal context such a casual meeting, or sharing some time in a café or a bar. The allotted time is no longer than 4 minutes.


These are the instructions for the activity:

NAME I really like....

- Use different greetings

- Introduce yourselves

- Give and ask for personal information

 EVIDENCE  A talk about sharing people's personal information

You are asked to make a group of three in advance. Each member brings his/her own famours person picture in order to describe him/her to the class.

You are not allowed to read since the task' purpose is to present your own personal ideas in a clear way.

Now, these are the groups for the activity:

Names Famous people to talk about
 Gustavo & Johana Joaquin Phoenix - Will Smith
José & Jonathan P Cristiano Ronaldo  - Sergio Ramos
Xiomara, Paula P & Michael Mark Anthony - Sharika - The Beatles
Lina & Paula M The Simpsons
Mayra & Leidy Jennifer López and her boyfriend
Karen & Gabriela R Happry Potter - Lord Voldemort
Lorena & Laura P Adam Sandler - Calvin Harries
Angélica & Vitalia Prince Harry - Freddie Mercury
Lady & Laura F Michael Jackson - Albert Einsterin
Jennifer, Sofía & Jenny Vera Formiga - Patrick Wilson - Lily Taylor
Jonathan D & Gabriela C Falcao - James Rodríguez
Sandra & Laura Andrés Cepeda - Vin Diesel
Juan David & Emilsen Valentino Rossi - Joaquín Sabina
Freddy & Carolina Lewis Hamilton - Sebastian Vettel 
Geraldine & Angélica Juanes - Alejandro Sáenz
Cristian & Ángela P Leonardo DiCaprio - Angelina Jolie
Santiago & Luisa Brad Pitt - Al Pacino

I kindly remind you that you cannot read but you can prepare some notes so be ready for this activity.



Teacher Claudia

February 22, 2020