Hello my dear students,
Our class is almost ending and it's time for you to prepare your third oral task. The aim of this activity is practice on how to use quantifiers and give instructions while cooking.
These are some of the recipes we are going to learn to prepare:
1) Laura & Wilmar: Burritos
2) Jennifer: Baked chicken in sauce
3)Claudia: Chicken in Bechamel sauce
4) Iván: Aborrajado
5) Sebastián & Sergio: Leche asada
6) Diana O: Fruit salad
7) Giovanni & Manuel: Surprise, surprise
8) Ferney: Cocktails
9) Natalia: Crepes
10) Julio: Carbonara spaguetti
11) Carol: Bisteck
12) Cristina: Carne vieja
13)Diana R: Cold salad
14) Viviana: Other burritos
15) Katherine & Luis: Full breakfast
16) Eduardo Yara: Rice pudding
Next you will find the instructions you need to keep in mind before presenting your task.
NAME | Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia Master Chef! |
Students are able to: · Use quantifiers in an accurate way. · Give clear instructions for preparing a recipe. |
A 3-5 minute video in which you prepare a recipe while explaining the needed instructions and the steps to follow. You are ask to post the link for the video in the class' blog. |
- You are asked to work alone or with a partner. - Don't read, this is a speaking activity. - Keep in mind that you need to star your own video. - Don't forget to explain the ingredients you need before starting cooking. Use - quantifiers of possible. - Give brief but clear instructions while cooking. - Edit your video so it accomplishes the allotted time. - Enjoy this activity and have fun!
DUE DATE: December 2 at 23;59. |
Best regards,
November 28, 2018
In our last class I explained to you what the second oral task consist of. The idea is to organize a party, but not a regular one. This event is going to take place in one of the different and amazing places Bogotá has.
This activity will take place next November 21 and these are the instructions to follow.
NAME | Let's get together! |
Students are able to: · Express . · Review prepositions of place. · Review Directions. |
A short oral presentation in which you give the class the directions about how to get to the place you selected. You also are going to explain the actvities your guests can do one there. |
You are asked to make a group of three people in advance. Each group needs to bring a visual presentation following the next order: Slide 1: An invitation card to the event Slide 2: The map guests need to read to get to the place. (Use Google Maps or Waze). Highlighting the route is advisable. Slide 3-4: Pictures with the activities people can do there.
Organize and present your conversation. Remember that you aren't allowed to read.
Please, don't hesitate to contact me if you have any doubt.
Best regards,
November 17, 2018
Last Monday I asked you to choose a classmate for your first oral task, so you can prepare a conversation about his/her personal information (name, age, email address, contact number, job, family) and a very complete physical appereance description. Keep in mind that the idea is to talk with your peer about that person. This task will take place on November 7.
These are the groups:
1. Manuel, Giovanni, Jesmith: Tyrion Lannister - Arya Stark - Dannaerys Targaryen
2. Diana, Sebastián, Sergio: Freddie Mercury - Yokoi Kenji - Frank Sinatra
3. Yulian, Óscar , Mónica: Jon Snow - Avril Lavigne - Barak Obama
4. Eduardo, Dora, Diana R: Maduro - Boy George - Michael Jackson
5. Katherine, Luis: Gal Gador - ?
6. Viviana, Carol , John: Vin Diesel - Carlos Vives- ?
7. César, Ferney, Julio: Bill Gates, Bob Marley, Kurt Cubain
8. Rubén, Natalia: John Lennon - Goku
9. Francisco, Johnnny: Lio Messi - Luca Modric
The other two groups are pending of informing me about their characters for the presentation.
The next chart shows you the instructions for getting ready for this activity.
NAME | I really like this person! |
· Describe a person using adjectives. · Ask and give information about personal information and physical appearance. · Use English language structures accurately in an oral form
A short oral presentation about your favorite famous person's personal information and physical appereane. |
You are asked to make a group of two or three people in advance. Each group needs to bring his/her favorite person picture in order to describe him/her to the class. You are not allowed to read the descriptions since the task' purpose is to present your own personas ideas in a clear way.
Allotted time: 5 minutes per group |
Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any doubt or question about your task.
Best regards,
November 4, 2018