Classes 10-13: Talking about food


The coming classes we are going to talk about food, starting by classifying it into countable and uncountable nouns and later by giving instructions for preparing a recipe. 

The enclosed file is the material we need.



Teacher Claudia

June 2, 2020

Talking about food v.2.pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat 1.1 MB

Classes 6-10: Talking about a city

Part 3: Moving around the city


This is the material for the third part of the topic talking about a city, and it deals woth how to go from one place to another.


Moving around the city



Teacher Claudia

May 26, 2020

Part 1 & 2. Places in a city, prepositions of place


This is the material we are going to use to talk about the different places we can find in a city.


The city and its places


Teacher Claudia,

May 14, 2020

Class 5: Family ties


In our next class we are going to focus our attention on family ties and by clicking on this link you can find the material we need.


Family ties



Teacher Claudia

May 12, 2020

Classes 3-4: Talking about physical appereance


This week we are going to learn how to describe people´s apperearance but before that we need to review and learn a lot of vocabulary! The enclosed file is part of the material we are going to work on.


Describing physical appearance


Best regards,

Teacher Claudia

May 4, 2020

Class 2: Expressing abilities


This is the material we are going to work today in class.



Teacher Claudia

April 30, 2020

Wshp on abilities (can-can't).pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat 340.8 KB