Simple present tense


The following exercises are aimed to help you practice on this topic. Please keep in ind that you are free to work on  them as many times as you wish, but let's start with a video to review this topic.

And as all we know that practice makes masters, let's practice on this topic with the next activities, but before that, I want you to watch a brief video the spelling rules for this tense (video).



Game 2

Practice 1

Practice 2

Practice 3

Practice 4 


Best regards,


May 11, 2019

Class 3: Getting to know you

Verb TO BE is a linking verb, this means it helps us to connect a person with some specific information such as name, nationality, age, marital status, profession, general physical description, character, and other pieces of personal information. The next image shows you some examples.

As practice is quite important, let's work on the topic with the following exercises. Please, if you need to use a contraction use the apostrophe (the key after number 0).



Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

Exercise 4



Teacher Claudia

February 21, 2019

Class 2: Countries and nationalities


This is some of the vocabulary related to the the topic.

Now, it's practice time!



Practice 1

Practice 2

Practice 3



Teacher Claudia

February 21, 2019

Class 1: Spelling names



The following videos are aimed to help you check your pronounciation related to the English alphabet, besides, you can practice you listening too. Take notes from the words in the third video, we will check them next Saturday.


With the following video you can practice and check yourselves your answers.

Now, let's practice and study for your quiz next class. In the following video you will listen to 25 different spelled words. Please take notes on your notebook.




February 12, 2019